Thursday, April 17, 2008

TOEFL practice - Marshella 9A

6. If you could change one important thing about your country, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

It is such a mysterious situation. On the outside it seems simple and easily solvable, but in the other side, there lies a huge world of reasons, where nothing happens. What makes a country successful? Many people think it is all about power, some think it is about reputation or money. Some have it wrong but are too stubborn to admit – set in their ways, locked in tradition, others just don't think about it. I think differently. These thoughts travel all along. It is the different opinions people have, that take this question to a discussion. My opinions and my ideas to this discussion began their way of developing starting from my country, Albania.

What’s wrong with it? This confusion in my mind seems to translate into various reasons and a coherence to understand what’s going on, what is the virus, the reason why all the troubles spread. I believe they all have the same mother. They develop together causing trouble everywhere around them. It is all about the psychology of humans. Their characters were sometime too weak to manage reality. In order to win what people fight for, money, people started using every way possible to get it.

Fortune and goods turned into a disease which infected people’s minds and turning them into destructive creatures. If we would put a name to what passes into people's minds it would be a variety of words expressing simply the bad, evil, anger, fear, ego, eager for power and money. These are all factors which make up ‘sophisticated’ people now a days.

This works just like a chain, so strong and unbreakable that it is able to be inherited generation after generation. And that is how the walls of the castle keep falling down into pieces, until someone brave appears and fixes it. In such occasions lays our hope, since it is the key to rebuild the precious segments of life, the things that stand on top of everything which we have to deify and use to free our souls. Such things are called virtues and live amongst us but many times are imprisoned inside people's bodies. Once freed these make up a kind and gentle person. These are the people I would like to have in my country right now, people who know what freedom is all about, people who are just born to make something in life.

Now a difficult battle lies in front of us, the most difficult of all, the castle has to be rebuilt but the price will be much bigger than once earned. The way we have to follow, will secretly be appeared each time we win a lesson. But yet the philosophy in this is so big, astonishing and valuable, standing on top of a cliff waiting for time to bring visitors.

A little difficult to follow along with at times yet the idea is there and Marshella's passion is clearly stated. This was Marshella's first attempt at a TOEFL essay.