Monday, April 21, 2008

TOEFL Practice Essay - Week 2 - Iris Y. 11

15. Neighbours are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbour? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

In our traditional culture neighbours are the people who can help you when you don't have sugar or watch the house when you leave. I love my neighbours and I would never change them for anything.

Its not always such a perfect relationship. Sometimes when you want to be alone and relax there is a knock on the door and a neighbour feels lonely. You want to sleep and they are loud. You want to have a party and again a knock on the door saying you can't. Yet in times when you need them they are there to help you, feed you, watch you and hopefully if they are smart neighbours give you advice.

Never underestimate the power of neighbours. Never undervalue their strength. Keep a close relationship, say hello and you will all have a healthy relationship. In my personal experience I have always loved my neighbours. They helped me when I needed them, stayed with me when I was alone and fed me when there was nothing to eat. Of course like all neighbours she gossiped about those who she didn't like, sometimes she would not like the way I dressed or the friends I had.

Even though your neighbours might not be on the same page as you, they are still in the same book. 'Good fences make good neighbours', I absolutely disagree.

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