Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Best April Fool’s Joke By: Enis


My best April Fool’s joke would be a job not be just creative, but very hysterical too. It has a combination of irony and gags. So here’s how it goes. First you pick the target, any student you would like. You offer that student some water but instead of normal clean water you slip indigestion pills in there and mix it so it’s not noticeable (this can also be applied to a food too). So once he has drunk the water or eaten the food in a manner of minutes, he will be running to the bathroom. Once he gets there, there will only one stall open (your friends could occupy the other ones. In that stall, you should wax the toilet seat so that it is extremely slippery. Once you do, the person will come in quickly and be in such a hurry that he will not even notice the wax and sit.

Hopefully he will sit in such a hurry that he will slip in or off the seat. You then kick the door with all your force and he will be scared out of his wits. You then tell him that you have just recorded that whole thing with your digital camera and post the video on YouTube where thousands of people are going to watch it. Plus, you could use the power of Bluetooth, my friend. Send it to as many people as possible and that would really be an April Fool’s to remember.


#16: Man Flies By Own Lung Power

In 1934 many American newspapers, including The New York Times, printed a photograph of a man flying through the air by means of a device powered only by the breath from his lungs. Accompanying articles excitedly described this miraculous new invention. The man, identified as German pilot Erich Kocher, blew into a box on his chest. This activated rotors that created a powerful suction effect, lifting him aloft. Skis on his feet served as landing gear, and a tail fin allowed him to steer. What the American papers didn't realize was that the "lung-power motor" was a joke. The photo had first appeared in the April Fool's Day edition of the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung. It made its way to America thanks to Hearst's International News Photo agency which not only fell for the hoax but also distributed it to all its U.S. subscribers. In the original Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung article, the pilot's name was spelled "Erich Koycher," which was a pun on the German word "keuchen," meaning to puff or wheeze.

This one was my favourite ones because it proves how thick people could be. Honestly, a man flying with his own lung power. That is highly unlikely, if not impossible. A man doesn’t have the lung capacity in order to make himself fly, regardless of any additional devices he uses. What I like about this joke is that it really proves how stupid people are and believe anything they read. They don’t go with their higher doubt but with the information that is given to them by a questionable source that says man flied using lung power. It came very close to the spaghetti one, where they did a whole documentary about how spaghetti grew on trees. I like April Fool’s jokes that make people look like idiots and this is the one for me.

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