Monday, April 28, 2008

TOEFL practice essay 3 ~ Enxhi 9A

22. In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

The earth has been around for billions of years. Humans first occupied it before hundred of thousands of years. As the years past by the human brain developed more and more and their lifetime became longer and longer due to the reducing of ignorance. We are now on the 21st century and our fellow occupiers have reached the longest years of life compared to our ancestors. The causes of this phenomenon have been the development of technology, medicine and the improvement of public health through hygiene.

Technology has evolved with high paces during the last century. People have been able to build machines which make our life much easier. Nowadays we have many different construction-work vehicles such as bulldozers, cranes, excavators, cement mixers and many more. Egyptians build the pyramids by man work for 20 years when we can now finish them with less than an year. Besides reducing time they have improved our health. Many of the slaves in Egyptian times have either died because of over forcing their bodies by lifting heavy weights and working for hours under the hot sun or have had health problems. Technology has improved human health in many ways. Thanks to technology now we don’t have to eat raw and rotten food. There are ovens and microwaves to cook it and freezers to prevent it from becoming rotten. Everything we eat and drink is sterilized due to very powerful high technological equipment, therefore enhancing our life conditions.

Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch were the first ones, in the 19th century, to discover that some diseases were caused by microbes. Today, not even can we identify disease organisms, we can also cure them and vaccinate against them. Sicknesses such as measles and chickenpox used to be deadly and had no cure. When an epidemic struck it wiped out a huge number of people. They are no more threats to humans. Although there are still diseases which scientists have yet not found a cure for, different products have been produced to prevent it. For example: there is no cure for skin cancer, but sunscreen has been invented to prevent it.

Human hygiene is important. It reduces the risk of germs getting into our organism. The basics of hygiene and public health are taught at early age. Now people know it is very important to wash our hands as frequently as we can, have a regular bath, brush our teeth at least twice a day and disinfect any cuts we get on our bodies. People now know the fundamentals of health care. They know which foods are healthy and which are not. They know it is important to exercise to have a healthier body and live longer.

People are living longer. Now they are self cautious about their health and have learned a lot from their ancestors’ mistakes. Due to the theory of evolution their brains have enlarged and with it come special technological equipment, perfected medicines and hospitals and knowledge of which things are good for their health and which are bad. They have a more developed mind so we can easily say knowledge makes life greater!