Thursday, March 27, 2008

English Assignment – Senka – 9A

Senka wrote this free subject essay on a common question... Well done Senka!

Why do people lie?

Everyone, no matter how innocent they look, has lied at least once in their life. Whether it was for avoiding a responsibility, getting out of trouble, helping someone or just for fun. Lying is a part of everyone’s life. Most of the time, lying is done on a way that isn’t dangerous but it really hurts people if you don’t use it correctly or use it repeatedly. Everyone seems to think that lying is not a mayor thing and when you are not comfortable or in a bad situation is the only way out of it. Or the easiest way.

One of the reasons people lie is to avoid stuff. Have you experienced that when you are having fun and someone tells you to do your homework, you suddenly lie and say I have already done them even though you haven’t even started them? Or when someone asks you to do a job you say I’m busy? Many people lie when they are lazy. This kind of lying doesn’t exactly hurt people but may make things harder for you. This is because that job is to be done even if you do it later. However it is used to procrastinate.

Another mayor reason for lying is to escape trouble. This reason is common when you are younger and trouble is everywhere! One of the main examples is when teacher catch you doing something bad and you kind of lie your way out of it. Or when your parents ask you who did this and you say you don’t know. This kind of lying actually gets you out of trouble instead of getting you in. However, it is easy and very simple to discover. And most people don’t buy it which means they already know you lied. It is still harmless most of the time.

A White Lie is a harmless lie which you do so you don’t hurt someone’s feelings. These are usually small and not too tragic. They are commonly used when your friends ask for your opinions. For example, if a friend asks you how are my hair today, you always say yes even if you totally think they suck. These kinds of lies have a good intention and positive reason. However things can get pretty nasty if your friends find out.

Lying to someone when you want to joke or scare him in a playful way isn’t exactly lying. It is invented for fun and it is accompanied by laughs. These are very common in everyday life. Kids will try to lie the people around them. However you should know the limit. Things can get out of hand if you don’t manage the situation.

The last reason and the most dangerous one is lying for bad purposes. This is when, for example you have started smoking and don’t tell your parents. Or if you did something forbidden and keep it a secret or lie to cover it up. Kidnappers and criminals also use this kind of lies. They will trick you to coming with them etc. These kinds of lies put your life in danger and are also where most mistakes happen. The best advice is to never use them.

In conclusion, lying takes different forms depending on the situations you use it. However you should be very careful to not damage or hurt anyone including you. Don’t do something you can regret later. Lying can be a powerful weapon or a deadly trap. It all depends how you use it!