Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Read All About It, Teen Suicide Love Struggle!"

Verona Times

Everyone agrees that this is the hottest summer so far in our town! It’s also the hottest in gossip. If you haven’t already heard, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet have committed suicide. You might be wondering how two family enemies ended up together? Their love bound then together for eternity! Now, their families will have to live without them, but the big question is will the families of Romeo and Juliet make peace? Will they end the chaos they are causing with this absurd fighting?

When talking to the nurse, she instantly started crying. Juliet was like her very own daughter. They shared everything with each other. She also said that she had never seen a love as strong as Romeo’s and Juliet’s. When asked about the two different families, she stated “I really do hope that they find a way to settle the whole madness, before anyone else gets hurt!” in fact, this is true. Many have died from the families’ stubbornness.

After visiting the nurse, I ran into Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin. When asked about Romeo, he only said a few things. He said, Romeo was an honest boy and loved Juliet with all of his heart. “His eyes instantly lit up when her name was said.” he said. He too was in favour of ending the chaos between the two families. He even said that he really had no idea for the reason behind the fighting. Ii really doubt any of them know the reason!

Lastly, I spoke with our dear Prince of Verona. He too didn’t understand why the two families were fighting. Many were killed over a little fight. The horrible thing was that not only members of the two families were killed or injured but also incessant people on the street too! “This can no longer go on! We must stop the fighting!” stated the Prince. He is right, but it’s the families’ decision to make not ours!

So, Montague’s or Capulet’s, if you’re reading this, take things into reason! Stop the fighting! If not for the people of Verona, then do it for your families. Do it for the people you lost, Romeo and Juliet. They didn’t get to live their lives but let us live ours!

Good account, well thought out.

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