Sunday, March 30, 2008

Alba H ~ Extra Credit Super Star


Growing up is not an easy thing to do, especially when you’re a teenager! Your hormones drive you crazy and you can’t stop them. Almost everybody regrets something from their past. No one is perfect, so everyone really does shave something to regret. They wish that they could just go back for one second and change it all. Even if that were possible, they would soon find something else to regret! For the moment, I only regret one thing, not enjoying every moment of everyday! Seeing as I am only a teenager, I still haven’t done anything big with my life. Actually, I regret not having regrets!

You only live once, but still I don’t act like it. The reason for this is that I am so young and I feel like I have my whole life ahead of me. The reality is that life is short and it could be stopped at any time. It’s not up to us to decide when our time is up and it’s not up to no “God” either. It’s all up to luck and fait. That’s why good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. To make it short, whatever happens happens and there is no way to stop it! So the only thing you can do is live life till the end but the type of person you want to be is all up to you, or is it?

Depending on what kind of parents you had, you will be either good or bad! Believe it or not you will end up being just like your parents because hats how you were raised to be. Sometimes this isn’t very good for some people because not all parents are good at their job. Some parents know that their children are bound to have mistakes or rebel, especially as a teenager. The only difference is that these parents accept their kids for who they are and don’t try to change them. People, especially teens need to find out for themselves what their mistakes are. Instead of doing this, some religious families, try to create rules that can’t be broken. This keeps their child from flourishing on their own.

It’s usually these kids that end up regretting a lot. This is because they were not able to live their life the way they wanted. They never got to try anything new. They never got to rebel. Unfortunately, I am one of these people. I can tell you myself that being under that type of control isn’t so fun. It’s not like these parents want me to not live life. I know that the only reason they do this is so that I don’t become a bad adult. At the end of the day, they want to be able to say, we have a great daughter. The only problem is that they don’t allow big mistakes. Why is that a problem? Well, you need these big mistakes to teach yourself about yourself, in fact. Every decision you make really does affect you, whether good or bad.

So, being a teenager is not easy. It may feel like you got so much to see and so much to do but it could all be over so soon! It only takes one drop of water for you to drown. It only takes one step to fall off a cliff. The only thing that you can do is be yourself. Take into consideration what your parents say because they truly are wise then you. Never ever forget that life is all up to you and in the end it’s not the regrets that mater. Think about all the laughs, friends, and love you’ve had in your life. Those matter the most. Therefore, take a couple steps outside yourself and live life to the fullest, taking the best path for yourself. I’m sure at the end of it all, lying in your grave; you won’t regret a single thing and with a smile on your face, walk to the other side, whatever it maybe!


Excellent essay Alba ~ well done. You have brought together your emotions, feelings and expressed them for us all to share! Great work.

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