No. 24 "Teens with jobs" is this the right thing to do for the children of tomorrow or is it beneficial for teenagers and also the world or is it another form of slavery? Do teens really need jobs or can they do fine without one?
Teenagers have to start learning the value of money and that with money comfort can be bought and with comfort comes happiness (most of the times). Some teens are forced to do a job since their family is poor and needs money to survive so all the family has to work to help. Other teens are sent by their parents to work so that they can learn what having a job feels like. Some teens go to work for extra money for their own benefit since their parents won't give them money so they work for money to probably get them that movie or dress they wanted.
Now this seems fine but there are problems with this (like everything else involving money in this world). Some jobs have bad working hours so some teens leave school so that they can work to feed their poor family (this seems to only happen in poor countries). Other jobs are under-paid so teens are abused this way and no one seems to care. Finally some jobs involve a large amount of physical labor this is fine if the job is paid well but most hard work jobs are low paid.
So are teens having jobs a good idea? Well I think yes it's a good idea, teens need to learn to handle money and a job. As long as the job is well paid and not hard to do then why not get a job - a decent job, not one that takes advantage or abuses the teenager. "Money will never make you happy, and happy will never make you money!" The Marx Brothers.