Wednesday, May 14, 2008

English Creative Writing Assignment:

You have finally been rescued from your island – OR – you died there and someone found your journal (Diary). Since we last discussed this 100 days have passed. You learned to survive but also to face new challenges. Your assignment for today is multi faceted:

1) Give a BRIEF description of how you arrived on the island and the people that are there with you.
2) Describe BRIEFLY the events of those first 14 days.
3) Give us an OVERVIEW of what happened during the 100 days since we last saw you. Explain the main problems and challenges and also how you overcame those new challenges.
4) Describe IN DETAIL the last 5 days before you were discovered or died and the first 5 days of being back in the REAL world. How have you managed to cope with the pressures of life, the media (newspapers / TV etc)
5) You have been offered a contract by a film studio to make a movie about your adventures. As part of the deal you are allowed to pick the actors who will play you and the other lead characters. Tell me who you would pick and why they would be good at playing your part in the movie. You also have to DRAW a detailed MAP of the island to show where things took place.
6) Now that you are back in the ‘real world’ what do you intend to do? Life can never be the same for you. The island has changed you. What now?