Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lord of the Flies Game –Intro and Instructions

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Lord of the Flies – How To Play

The game is supposed to be played after one has read the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. The aim is to introduce some basic analytical aspects concerning the book and to challenge the reader's memory through play.

After a short intro, you will see the island. The only thing that moves is the silhouette of a boy. As you move your mouse cursor over the boy, a yellow "X" appears. Click on it with the mouse button to explore part one of the game.

Part 1.
In the first part of the game, you are supposed to match objects, thoughts and sentences with the correct boy. Match an object by pointing at it with the mouse, drag it with the mouse button pressed to the black area symbolizing the boy and release the mouse button. If you drag the object to the correct boy, it disappears and a black dot appears on the boy's name sign. If you choose the wrong boy, or if you drop the object outside the black silhouette, it jumps back to its original position.

When you have matched everything, you will see all the boys and a "GO ON" sign appears in the lower right corner. Click on it with the mouse button.

You now return to the island. The only thing that moves are pigs running in the forest. As you move your mouse cursor over them, a yellow "X" appears. Click on it with the mouse button to explore part two of the game.

Part 2.
In part two, you are to match one object with each palm tree. Match an object by pointing at it with the mouse, drag it with the mouse button pressed to the trunk of a tree and release the mouse button. If you drag the correct object, it stays below the trunk and three signs with quotes from the book appear on the trunk. If you move an incorrect object to a tree, a sign with a quote appears as a hint and the object jumps back to its original position.

When you have matched everything a "GO ON" sign appears in the lower right corner. Click on it with the mouse button.

You now return to the island. The only thing that moves is a palm tree. As you move your mouse cursor over it, a yellow "X" appears. Click on it with the mouse button to explore part three of the game.

Part 3.
In part three of the game, a parrot asks four questions about the book. Two answers are given to each question. Choose an answer by clicking on the speech bubble. If you pick the correct one a butterfly will stay on a flower. If you pick the wrong one a flower will wither.

When you have answered the four questions, a "GO ON" sign appears in the lower right corner. Click on it with the mouse button.

You now return to the island. The only thing that moves is a boy who jumps on and off a boat. As you move your mouse cursor over him, a yellow "X" appears. Click on it with the mouse button.

The final screen shows your score (= number of butterflies) and gives a little information about Golding. If you want to know more, click on the "GO ON" sign. Then you will find William Golding's biography, Nobel Lecture, Banquet Speech and much more.

Did you get stuck or like to cheat? Key »

WallenbergThe Lord of the Flies Game is presented with the
support of The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.