The last 10 months have seen visitors coming from ever corner of the earth. As we can see from the ClusterMap below we have visitors from the middle of the Amazon jungle to the smallest islands in the Pacific Ocean. From London to Tirana and more. Dr Rod’s English Blog has a worldwide appeal.
Thank you to EVERYONE who is helping to make this resource a success.
Current Country Totals
From 11 Mar 2010 to 17 Jan 2011
United States (US) 6,045
United Kingdom (GB) 1,737
India (IN) 1,320
Canada (CA) 1,105
Australia (AU) 747
Malaysia (MY) 666
Hong Kong (HK) 628
Philippines (PH) 515
Saudi Arabia (SA) 500
United Arab Emirates (AE) 487
Indonesia (ID) 447
Egypt (EG) 378
New Zealand (NZ) 368
Singapore (SG) 352
Cyprus (CY) 332
Pakistan (PK) 308
Thailand (TH) 288
Maldives (MV) 260
Sri Lanka (LK) 253
Kuwait (KW) 224
Spain (ES) 200
Argentina (AR) 198
South Africa (ZA) 185
Germany (DE) 182
Vietnam (VN) 175
Qatar (QA) 165
Macedonia (MK) 164
Turkey (TR) 151
Kenya (KE) 134
Italy (IT) 125
France (FR) 115
Korea, Republic of (KR) 90
Nigeria (NG) 89
Jordan (JO) 87
Oman (OM) 81
Brazil (BR) 78
Botswana (BW) 75
Mauritius (MU) 75
Taiwan (TW) 73
Poland (PL) 72
Mexico (MX) 68
Japan (JP) 67
Romania (RO) 66
Bahrain (BH) 63
Norway (NO) 61
Russian Federation (RU) 61
Switzerland (CH) 60
Brunei Darussalam (BN) 60
Greece (GR) 54
Zimbabwe (ZW) 54
Netherlands (NL) 52
Bangladesh (BD) 50
Ireland (IE) 49
Seychelles (SC) 45
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) 42
Colombia (CO) 42
Ghana (GH) 41
Croatia (HR) 41
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) 39
Peru (PE) 37
Jamaica (JM) 36
Algeria (DZ) 34
Albania (AL) 34
Bermuda (BM) 31
Cambodia (KH) 30
Namibia (NA) 29
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) 28
Uganda (UG) 28
Yemen (YE) 28
Czech Republic (CZ) 27
Sweden (SE) 27
Israel (IL) 27
Serbia (RS) 25
Malta (MT) 25
Portugal (PT) 24
Ukraine (UA) 23
Hungary (HU) 23
Belgium (BE) 23
Slovakia (SK) 22
Bahamas (BS) 22
Tunisia (TN) 21
Sudan (SD) 20
Malawi (MW) 19
Denmark (DK) 19
Ecuador (EC) 18
Morocco (MA) 17
Panama (PA) 17
Costa Rica (CR) 17
Lebanon (LB) 17
Europe (EU) 17
Palestinian Territory (PS) 17
Chile (CL) 16
Nepal (NP) 16
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY) 16
Georgia (GE) 15
Finland (FI) 15
Gambia (GM) 14
Bolivia (BO) 14
Macau (MO) 13
Zambia (ZM) 13
Azerbaijan (AZ) 12
Swaziland (SZ) 12
Bulgaria (BG) 12
Uruguay (UY) 12
Mongolia (MN) 12
Armenia (AM) 10
Belize (BZ) 9
Puerto Rico (PR) 9
Ethiopia (ET) 8
Austria (AT) 8
Dominican Republic (DO) 8
Iraq (IQ) 8
Lithuania (LT) 7
Venezuela (VE) 7
Fiji (FJ) 6
Rwanda (RW) 6
Uzbekistan (UZ) 6
Netherlands Antilles (AN) 6
Guatemala (GT) 5
Latvia (LV) 5
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) 5
Barbados (BB) 5
China (CN) 4
Jersey (JE) 4
Mozambique (MZ) 4
Luxembourg (LU) 4
Cameroon (CM) 4
Monaco (MC) 3
Honduras (HN) 3
Guam (GU) 3
Kazakstan (KZ) 3
Isle of Man (IM) 3
Belarus (BY) 3
Cote D'Ivoire (CI) 3
Angola (AO) 3
Iceland (IS) 3
Madagascar (MG) 2
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD) 2
Papua New Guinea (PG) 2
Guyana (GY) 2
Tuvalu (TV) 2
Djibouti (DJ) 2
Myanmar (MM) 2
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA) 2
Cayman Islands (KY) 2
Sierra Leone (SL) 2
Cape Verde (CV) 2
Senegal (SN) 2
Slovenia (SI) 2
Moldova, Republic of (MD) 1
Guernsey (GG) 1
Anguilla (AI) 1
Benin (BJ) 1
Liberia (LR) 1
Togo (TG) 1
Somalia (SO) 1
Mali (ML) 1
Nicaragua (NI) 1
Suriname (SR) 1
Samoa (WS) 1
New Caledonia (NC) 1
Lesotho (LS) 1
Reunion (RE) 1
Tonga (TO) 1
Vanuatu (VU) 1
French Polynesia (PF) 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC) 1
El Salvador (SV) 1
Turks and Caicos Islands (TC) 1
Virgin Islands, British (VG) 1
Bhutan (BT) 1
Syrian Arab Republic (SY) 1
Gibraltar (GI) 1
Asia/Pacific Region (AP) 1
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) 1
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN) 1
Eritrea (ER) 1
Saint Lucia (LC) 1
Northern Mariana Islands (MP) 1
Niger (NE) 1
Antigua and Barbuda (AG) 1
Holy See (Vatican City State) (VA) 1