Faculty of Teacher Training - English Department
Course Title: Advanced English Language IV
Instructor: Dr. Rod
E-mail: sjrod55@gmail.com
Below are samples from the notes given to act as a reminder. You already have the printed full transcript.
Air traffic control communication at Portland International Airport - July 1, 1990
Researchers: Karen Ward, David Novick, Carolyn Sousa
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Oregon Graduate Institute
This report contains a transcript of radio communications between air traffic controllers and pilots. The transcript was prepared as part of the ATC Interaction Research Project (AIR Project) at the Oregon Graduate Institute, which has been investigating computational representations of Air Traffic Control (ATC) communication.
This transcript covers 30 minutes of the radio communications of one controller in the Portland International Airport (PDX) Terminal Radar Control (TRACON) Facility. The controller was
working one of the two approach positions; that is, he was responsible for aircraft entering and leaving a portion of the PDX Approach Radar Service Area (ARSA).
The transcript was made from a recording taped from radio at a site approximately two NM from the airport on July 1, 1990, between 10:45 and 11:15 AM. A copy of this recording on cassette
may be obtained by writing to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Oregon Graduate Institute. The recording exhibits high-frequency cutoff and high noise levels, however, so it may not be suitable for direct use with speech recognizers.
The transcript is in two parts. The section entitled “Full Transcript” depicts all exchanges chronologically as they occurred. However, air traffic control dialogue can be viewed as many interleaved yet fairly independent conversations, so in the “Separated Transcripts” section utterances are grouped by aircraft to show the course of each individual conversation. The utterance numbers from the full transcript are preserved in the separated transcripts so that the utterance context may be located easily
Full Transcript
(1) Unknown: (-forty) five.
(2) Approach: Horizon sixty four turn right heading one two zero.
(3) Horizon 64: Turn right one two zero Horizon sixty four.
(4) Horizon 391: Horizon uh, three ninety one (uh we’d like to) uh join the localizer.
(5) Approach: Horizon three ninety one turn right heading three one zero join the localizer.
(6) Horizon 391: Three one zero. (Three) ninety one.
(7) Approach: Horizon three ninety one you’re eight miles from uh, Laker maintain three thousand till established localizer cleared ILS two eight right approach.
(8) Horizon 391: Cleared the ILS, two eight right approach three thousand till establish. Horizon Air three ninety one.
(9) Approach: -ska two oh five turn left heading three two zero.
(10) Alaska 205: Three two zero, Alaska two oh five.
(11) Approach: Alaska six zero four reduce speed to one five zero until Laker and contact tower one one eight point seven.
(12) Alaska 604: Slowing to uh one fifty and uh, tower uh, eighteen seven for Alaska six zero four.
(13) Approach: Horizon three ninety one maintain one seven zero knots until Laker.
(14) Horizon 391: One seventy till Laker, Horizon three ninety one.
(15) Approach: Horizon sixty four turn: correction uh, continue on your present heading.
(16) Horizon 64: ((garbled))
(17) Unknown: ((Mike depressed))
(18) Horizon 391: Horizon three ninety one has the field in sight.
(19) Approach: Horizon three ninety one roger cross abeam of Laker at or above, two thousand, you’re cleared for the visual approach runway two eight left.
(20) Horizon 391: Laker at or above two thousand, cleared the visual to the left, roger three ninety one.
(21) Approach: Alaska two zero five (practical) increase speed to one niner zero until Laker.
(22) Alaska 205: Alaska two oh five reduce- uh increasing.
(23) Approach: Delta seven forty five turn right heading two eight zero, join the localizer.
(24) Delta 745: Right two eighty, join the localizer, Delta seven forty five.
(25) Horizon 391: Three ninety one, can we pick it up, (just a) little bit.
(26) Approach: Horizon three ninety one, uh that’s approved.
(27) Horizon 391: Horizon three ninety one, (roger).
(28) Unknown: ((Mike depressed))
(29) Unknown: ((squawk))
(30) Approach: ((garbled)) zero papa service terminated squawk twelve hundred, frequency change approved.
(31) Approach: Horizon sixty four turn left heading zero, six zero.
(32) Horizon 64: Zero six zero, Horizon, uh, sixty four.
(33) Approach: Alaska two oh five, nine from Laker, maintain three thousand till established on the localizer cleared the ILS two eight right approach, maintain speed (of) one eight zero until Laker.
(34) Alaska 205: Roger Alaska two oh five, uh, cleared approach three thousand till established on the localizer at three thousand, and uh hundred ‘n uh ninety till Laker?
(35) Approach: Alaska two zero five, uh turn left heading two five zero now to join the localizer and maintain three thousand
till established on the localizer, cleared ILS two eight right approach, maintain speed one eight zero until Laker.
(36) Alaska 205: Roger one eighty, till Laker Alaska two oh five copy the rest.
(37) Approach: Horizon sixty four turn left heading three one zero join the localizer.
(38) Horizon 64: Three ten and join Horizon sixty four.
(39) Approach: Tingle one (four eight) Portland Approach, r:oger, fly your present heading and reduce speed to two one zero.
(40) Approach: Tingle one (four eight) thank you.
(41) Approach: Delta seven forty five descend and maintain four thousand five hundred.
(42) Delta 745: Down to four thousand five hundred Delta seven forty five.
(43) Approach: Horizon, uh disregard.
(44) Approach: Delta seven forty five is one zero miles from Laker, maintain four thousand five hundred till established on the localizer, cleared ILS two eight right approach, maintain speed one, seven zero until Laker.
(45) Delta 745: One seventy till Laker forty five hundred (descending fifty seven) uh, ILS twenty eight right Delta seven forty five.